티스토리 뷰


[Ch0] AutoEncoder

jeong_reneer 2022. 1. 30. 13:03


- A way for unsupervised learning for nonlinear manifold

- ANN used for unsupervised learning of efficient codings

- Aim : To learn a representation for set of data

- Purpose : Dimensionality reduction






Unsupervised learning

◾ Manifold learning

= Nonlinear Dimensionality reduction

= Representation learning

= Efficient coding learning

= Feature extraction

Generative model learning

ML density estimation



AutoEncoder를 학습할 때

- 학습방법은 Unsupervised learning

- Loss는 negative ML (ML density estimation)

   ML : Maximum Likelihood


학습된 AutoEncoder 에서

- Encoder는 차원 축소 (Manifold learning)

- Decoder는 생성 모델 (Generative model)

