12.1 Color Physical aspects of color Visible light : part of electromagnetic spectrum (energy takes form of waves of varying wavelength) Perceptual aspects of color Color = being made up of varying amonts of primary colors (red, green, blue) Color matching functions (CIE) Y component : luminance or perceived brightness of color → Sum = 1, symmetric about middle of visible spectrum 12.2 Color mod..
11.2 Basic ideas Morphology (형태) : a branch of image processing which is useful for analysis shapes in (binary) images 1) Translation A : a set of pixels in a binary img w = (x, y) : a particular coordinate point A_w = { (a, b) + (x, y) : (a, b) ∈ A} : a set A 'translated' in direction (x, y) (Matrix coordinate : The origin is at the top left → x goes down, y goes across) 2) Reflection A^ = { (-..
10.1 The Hough transform Goal : To find lines in imgs (1) Basic approach Suppose a point (x, y) → Consider all pairs (a,b) which satisfy y = ax+b → Plot them into 'accummulator array' The dots in transform : places where there are maximum intersections of lines : at each dot three lines intersect The coordinates of dots : (a, b) = (1,0) and (1, -1) The lines : y = 1*x + 0 and y = 1*x + (-1) ⇔ Th..
9.1 Introduction Fourier Transform - A powerful alternative to linear spatial filtering ; more efficient than using a spatial filter for a large filter - Isolating and processing particular img 'frequencies' → Performing low/high-pass filtering with a great precision 9.2 The one-dimensional Discrete Fourier Transform 1) Approximation of the periodic function (1) Periodic function - Written as th..
8.1 Introduction 1) Edge : a line of pixels showing an observable difference - human eye can pick out grey differences of the magnitude with relative ease 2) When Edge used to measure the size of objects to isolate particular objects from their background to recognize or classify objects 3) MATLAB function - parameters : depend on the method used *edge function : taking care of all the filtering..
7.1 Introduction Noise : degradation in img signal, caused by external disturbance Depending on Type of disturbance → Type of errors on output img → Type of noise on img → Choose appropriate method(Image Restoration) for reducing each type of noise ! 7.2 Types of noise 1) Salt and pepper noise (1) Salt and pepper noise = Impulse noise, shot noise, binary noise - caused by sharped, sudden disturb..
6.1 Introduction 1) Spatial Filtering Spatial Filtering : applying a function to a neighborhood of each pixel ① Move a 'mask' : a rectangle (usually with sides of odd length) or other shape over given img ② Create a new img whose pixels have grey values calculated from grey values under the mask 2) Linear Filter Filter : Combination of Mask and Function Linear Filter : Combination of Mask and Li..
5.1 Introduction Image processing operation - Transforming the grey values of the pixels - Divided into 3 classes based on the information required to perform transformation 1) Transforms - Need : Knowledge of all the grey levels in the entire image to transform the image 2) Spatial filters - Need : Value of the grey levels in a small neighborhood of pixels around the given pixel - To change the..