11.2 Basic ideas Morphology (형태) : a branch of image processing which is useful for analysis shapes in (binary) images 1) Translation A : a set of pixels in a binary img w = (x, y) : a particular coordinate point A_w = { (a, b) + (x, y) : (a, b) ∈ A} : a set A 'translated' in direction (x, y) (Matrix coordinate : The origin is at the top left → x goes down, y goes across) 2) Reflection A^ = { (-..
10.1 The Hough transform Goal : To find lines in imgs (1) Basic approach Suppose a point (x, y) → Consider all pairs (a,b) which satisfy y = ax+b → Plot them into 'accummulator array' The dots in transform : places where there are maximum intersections of lines : at each dot three lines intersect The coordinates of dots : (a, b) = (1,0) and (1, -1) The lines : y = 1*x + 0 and y = 1*x + (-1) ⇔ Th..