티스토리 뷰


[Ch10] The Hough and Distance Transform

jeong_reneer 2023. 1. 9. 14:52

10.1 The Hough transform

Goal : To find lines in imgs


(1) Basic approach

Suppose a point (x, y) → Consider all pairs (a,b) which satisfy y = ax+b → Plot them into 'accummulator array'

  • The dots in transform : places where there are maximum intersections of lines : at each dot three lines intersect
  • The coordinates of dots : (a, b) = (1,0) and (1, -1)
  • The lines : y = 1*x + 0 and y = 1*x + (-1)
  • ⇔ The strongest lines in the img in that they contain the greatest # of points

(2) Another parameterization of lines to find vertical lines 

  • r : perpendicular distance from the line to the origin
  • θ : angle of the lines's perpendicular to the x-axis (ex. vertical lines : θ = 0)
  • (p, q) = (rcosθ, rsinθ)
  • the gradient of the line's perpendicular : tanθ
  • the gradient of the line : -1/tanθ = -cosθ/sinθ = (y-q)/(x-p)

Choose a discrete set of values of θ → Compute r = xcosθ + ysinθ for each θ → Plot the result

  • (r, θ) : the highest values in the array will correspond to strongest lines in the img

  • The accumulator array : # of times each value of (r, θ) appears in the table 
  • The largest values occur at (r, θ)  = (2, 0) and (3, 90)
  • The lines : xcos0 + ysin0 = 2 (or x =2) and xcos90 + ysin90 = 3 (or y = 3)


10.2 Implementing the Hough transform in Matlab


10.3 The distance transform 

Goal : To find the distance of every pixel from a region R (computationally efficient) 


Standard Euclidean distance : (computationally inefficient if R is large)


Basic steps of the distance transform


Generalized the above tranfom by using "mask"


Two pass distance transform (faster)



Implementing the distance transform in Matlab


Application to skeletonization

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